The New To You Re♻Use Shop

One of the best kept secrets of Pittsburg, Kansas is the New To You Re ♻ Use Shop. Well, it's not a secret anymore! Why not stop on by and see what kind of deals we have. We are open Thursday & Friday 9AM-4PM, Saturday 9AM-3 PM.

There are just too many items and deals to mention here and we get new items each week so stop on in!

The shop is located at 615 S. Joplin but north of the main complex and Household Hazardous Waste building on Joplin St. You can enter at gate #5.

* The New To You Re Use Shop is owned and operated by SEK Recycling, all proceeds and donations to the shop are used to fund SEK Recycling so that we may serve the community as a recycling hub for the Four States area. All of our merchandise comes into the recycling center, and in conjunction with the store, new life is given to old items that otherwise could end up in a landfill.